Like most crazy ideas, ours came to us over drinks on a tipsy Friday night, in our London living room. Dismayed by a sad excuse for an Indian takeaway, we began to reminisce about the food of our childhood, which was always an eclectic mix of Indian and British cultures. We wondered…why had there been no similar attempts with a drink?
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Remembering fondly the days of tarka baked beans and spam sabji, we discussed how best to create a drink that combined our Indian heritage and British upbringing. That’s where the lassi comes in. On hot summer days, our grandfathers in Punjab chose lassi as their drink of choice for it's refreshing properties. Deciding to transform this traditionally non-alcoholic beverage, we mixed it with traditional Indian spices and the quintessentially British spirit to create the world’s first clear lassi gin.
Most people would consider quitting their job to start making their own gin pretty crazy. The Crazy Singh’s mother definitely thought so and Paagal (the Punjabi word for crazy) was the politest thing she called us when she learnt of our plans. This was a risky experiment, not only in terms of concepts and flavours, but also our livelihood. We quit our jobs, packed our bags, and left London, determined to turn our crazy idea into a reality.